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Más que la energía, el uso de la misma por parte de cada uno de nosotros. Podemos estar en contra de las nucleares, que lo estoy, podemos estar en contra de las construcción de pantanos que inundan grandes zonas no solo de interés humano sino también de interes ecológico, pero como no seamos nosotros los que hagamos un uso de la energía razonable no pararemos nunca la construcción de puntos de producción energética para abastecer tanto derroche. Al margen de otras políticas distintas a las que tenemos claro está.
Cada vez que encendemos una bombilla en algún lugar del sistema hará falta más producción sea esta nuclear, eólica o la procedente de centrales hidroeléctricas y esto hay que tenerlo claro.
More than energy, the use of it on the part of each one of us. We can be against nuclear, which I am, we can be against the construction of swamps that flood large areas not only of human interest but also of ecological interest, but as we are not the ones who make a use of reasonable energy does not We'll never stop building energy production points to supply so much waste. Apart from other policies that we are clear of.
Every time we light a light bulb somewhere in the system will need more production is this nuclear, wind or from hydro power plants and this must be clear.
More than energy, the use of it on the part of each one of us. We can be against nuclear, which I am, we can be against the construction of swamps that flood large areas not only of human interest but also of ecological interest, but as we are not the ones who make a use of reasonable energy does not We'll never stop building energy production points to supply so much waste. Apart from other policies that we are clear of.
Every time we light a light bulb somewhere in the system will need more production is this nuclear, wind or from hydro power plants and this must be clear.
by mmc
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