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Lechiffre |
Boato académico que es lo suyo y es el único que entiendo. Estas escaleras, subida y bajada no son para que baje una estrella del celuloide, ni un novio emperifollado esperando a su amada. Esas escaleras son para que suban y bajen cerebros bien dotados acompañados de la pompa universitaria como reconocimiento a la aportación al pensamiento humano. Yo subí y baje, pero yo no he aportado nada a lo dicho anteriormente, yo solo fui de acompañante, de apoyo a la que sí era la merecedora de todo eso.
Academic pageantry that's his thing and he's the only one I understand. These stairs, ascent and descent are not to lower a star of the celluloid, nor a groom Emperifollado waiting for his beloved. These stairs are to raise and lower well-endowed brains accompanied by the university pomp in recognition of the contribution to human thought. I went up and down, but I have not contributed anything to what I said before, I was only a companion, support to the one who was worthy of all that.
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