Ai Weiwei es un artista poliédrico y polifacético y de ahí su grandeza. Ha colaborado como asesor artístico con arquitectos como Herzog & de Meuron y con el gobierno Chino, y también acusado por este por el derrumbe de un colegio (no directamente por el derrumbe en sí).
Y ante ustedes otra faceta más, criticar al parlamentarismo liberal inglés mediante un gesto que muchos conocemos, una peineta. Y eso mismo lo ha hecho en otros edificios democráticamente significativos según tengo entendido.
Esta nueva forma de protesta me parece muy original no solo por el gesto sino por el retoque de esta imagen con colores como yo los llamo, hecatombe nuclear, de la que hemos estado cerca muchas veces, dándonos a entender que caminamos al desastre medioambiental por las políticas a la que nos lleva el capitalismo depredador que no para de querer ganar dinero.
Me gustan sus cosas, me gusta su arte contemporáneo, me gusta esos momento reflexivos que me produce, y me gusta sobre todo el dialogo con sus obras.
Gracias majo por todo.
If China is a leader in everything, it could not be less so in contemporary art and all the new artistic trends. But to be honest with you I want to tell you that coincidentally in those countries where the economic and social system does not please Westernism or the empire, its "dissident" artists are promoted to exhaustion as a political weapon against that country. That is to say, if one is from a part of the planet that is not aligned with those who rule at a global level, success is guaranteed in advance thanks to the support from everyone on land, sea and air.
Ai Weiwei is a multifaceted and multifaceted artist and that is where his greatness lies. He has collaborated as an artistic advisor with architects such as Herzog & de Meuron and with the Chinese government, and has also been accused by the latter of the collapse of a school (not directly for the collapse itself).
And before you, another facet, criticizing English liberal parliamentarism through a gesture that many of us know, a comb. And that is what he has done in other democratically significant buildings, as far as I know.
This new form of protest seems very original to me, not only because of the gesture but also because of the retouching of this image with colors, as I call them, nuclear catastrophe, which we have been close to many times, making us understand that we are heading towards environmental disaster because of the policies that predatory capitalism leads us to, which never stops wanting to make money.
I like his stuff, I like his contemporary art, I like those reflective moments that it produces in me, and I like above all the dialogue with his works.
Thanks, mate, for everything.
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