Pero no nos olvidemos que esta fotografía también nos pone en el contexto del posmodernismo social imperante de los que se autodenominan no tener terruño donde ir ni sentir y son ciudadanos del mundo, los cuales, que no sé nos olvide, ven este como un espectáculo, dando la espalda a las calamidades humanas existentes.
Y aquí lo vemos, mientras una parte del mundo arde unos jovenzuelos de éxito social seguramente importante, son ajenos al mundo que observan y si lo observan es solo porque se sale guion monótono de cada día. Ellos está a lo suyo, a sus cosas de snobs, de la fama fácil y el dinero rápido mientras en el escenario de enfrente se muere.
Si tengo que encasillar esta imagen en algún movimiento artístico sería en el hiperrealismo (desagradable y obsceno).
This photograph by Thomas Höpker, "living with our backs turned to death", is a true reflection of the society of our time. It does not need to be captured in an image, we see it every day in the world around us and in the human beings who also do it.
But let us not forget that this photograph also puts us in the context of the prevailing social postmodernism of those who call themselves having no land to go to or feel and are citizens of the world, who, let us not forget, see this as a spectacle, turning their backs on the existing human calamities.
And here we see it, while a part of the world burns, some young people with surely important social success are oblivious to the world they observe and if they observe it is only because it is out of the monotonous script of every day. They are doing their thing, their snobbish things, easy fame and quick money while in the opposite scenario people die.
If I have to pigeonhole this image into any artistic movement it would be hyperrealism (unpleasant and obscene).
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