Y puedo llegar a entender esta postura pero creo que la fotografía es arte por muchas razones; como en la pintura también tiene sus vanguardias y tendencias. Algunas de ellas necesitan un periodo de preparación ya que muchas no solo es realismo palpitante del momento sino que se manipulan para llegar al objetivo buscado.
Esta imagen que encabeza este post juega un poco entre la pintura y la fotografía ya que puede ser las dos cosas a la vez o una u otra. He de deciros que yo casi nunca preparo y retoco las imágenes, se muestran tal y como aparecen ante mí. Lo único que busco es la posición donde "disparar" y ya, y es verdad que es sencillo si entramos de nuevo en el debate de si es arte o no, pero hay que tener el ojo, o la mirada "de cierto artista" para sacar imágenes imponente, bellas o abstractas que decide el libre albedrio del autor (no quiero con ello decir que yo sea un maestro en ello).
Hay que disfrutar de lo que vemos, ese es el espíritu.
There is an eternal dilemma about whether photography is art. I don't remember very well who spoke about this subject but he said that photography is very easy; one stands in front of the object to be photographed, and in a second the proposed objective is achieved. And in the world of painting everything requires a ritual, choosing the place after an arduous search, a certain light and a process that lasts much longer than a photograph and put into doubt that this was considered art.
And I can understand this position but I think that photography is art for many reasons; as in painting it also has its avant-gardes and trends. Some of them need a period of preparation since many are not only the throbbing realism of the moment but are manipulated to reach the desired objective.
This image that heads this post plays a bit between painting and photography since it can be both things at the same time or one or the other. I must tell you that I almost never prepare and retouch the images, they are shown as they appear before me. The only thing I'm looking for is the position where I can "shoot" and that's it, and it's true that it's simple if we go back to the debate of whether it's art or not, but you have to have the eye, or the look of "a certain artist" to take impressive, beautiful or abstract images that the author's free will decides (I don't mean to say that I'm a master at it).
You have to enjoy what you see, that's the spirit.
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